15 years old or older | AUSTRALIA Visa Applicants (Temporary)


Add-On: Online Special Price


Product price: RM325.00
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  • Before coming for your medical examination, you must lodge your visa application at www.border.gov.au
  • If applicable, bring your spectacles or contact lenses
  • Applicants are not required to fast for blood and urine tests

Required Documents

  • Examination Referral Letter which contains your HAP ID/ TRN number or the Health Examination List
  • Valid Original National Passport
  • Any previous chest x-ray films and reports. If applicable – a detailed medical report regarding a previously-treated or currently managed clinically significant illness which should contain the following information:
      • duration and date of treatment
      • the surgical procedure or medical intervention done
      • complete final diagnosis
      • the outcome of treatment or treatment plans and prognosis, if available
      • Please complete the following form below and bring along during your visit for your Australia Immigration Health examination
      • Medical Examination for Australian Visa (Please print page 4, 5 & 6)
      • Please provide a printed copy of your digital vaccination certificate (those who are 12 years and above).