Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment
Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment

Dr Khoo Su King, Primary Care Doctor

1 April, 2023

World Health Day: Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment

If you have visited a specialist or a doctor for a health condition, you may have been shocked at the price you have to pay for your medical bills. While medical insurance can cover some of your medical expenses, it may not be able to insure all your diseases. 

In a recent article posted on CodeBlue, women often fork out a substantial amount for women related non-communicable diseases (NCD). This is due to the extensive and targeted treatment needed to heal thoroughly. Even so, there is no guarantee of a good health after. Not only that, but the soaring drug prices also affect and denies people who need the vary treatments. However, the key solution is to start taking care of your health through preventive health screenings every year.

You must be wondering: is preventive health screening effective when it comes to lowering down the cost of post diagnosis treatments?

Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment

The short answer is YES.
Preventive health screening are more often times, the best solution to any medical treatments as early detection saves you from spending out of your savings to foot unprepared medical conditions such as cancer, chronic kidney diseases and diseases that may not even have an early symptom before it is too late.

You may have heard that health screening consists of blood and urine test. But are they enough? Essential health screening is crucial when you are healthy and can go about your day as per your schedules.

Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment
Preventive Health Screening vs Rising Cost of Medical Treatment

Is health screening worth investing in every year?

With earlier diagnosis of your health, medical treatment could be less complicated & therefore less costly.

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease such as stroke and cancer as well as chronic respiratory diseases may often times be long term diagnosis and would require consistent medical attention. By the same token, early diagnosis, treatment & control of these medical conditions thereby preventing end-organ damage & complications.

At LifeCare, we seek to advocate for yearly health screening as some health conditions do not just happen overnight.