2 – 4 years old w/ Skin Test | AUSTRALIA Visa Applicants (Permanent)


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Mantoux Test (Skin test – to inject TB protein serum under the applicant’s skin)

  • Availability: Mondays-Saturdays (except Thursdays) before 11am
  • Result release time: You will need to come back to our centre 3 days later (not more than 72 hours) to measure the skin reaction
  • Please take note of your child’s skin allergy condition before deciding to proceed for this test
  • Before coming for your medical examination, you must lodge your visa application at www.border.gov.au
  • If applicable, bring your spectacles or contact lenses
  • Applicants are not required to fast for blood and urine tests
  • Females within the reproductive age group are advised not to schedule their medical examination during their menstrual period. Otherwise, they will be required to come back one week after the completion of menstruation.
  • Examination Referral Letter which contains your HAP ID/ TRN number or the Health Examination List
  • Valid Original National Passport
  • Any previous chest x-ray films and reports. If applicable – a detailed medical report regarding a previously-treated or currently managed clinically significant illness which should contain the following information:
      • duration and date of treatment
      • the surgical procedure or medical intervention done
      • complete final diagnosis
      • the outcome of treatment or treatment plans and prognosis, if available
      • Please complete the following form below and bring along during your visit for your Australia Immigration Health examination