TOO Wellness Package

Receive a complimentary Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) worth RM150.

Online Promotion from: 31 May 2024 – 9 June 2024

Redemption by 31 December 2024




A) Full Blood Picture:

  1.  Haemoglobin (Hb)
  2. Total Red Blood Cell
  3. Total White Blood Cell
  4. Differential Counts
  5. RDW
  6. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
  7. Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
  8. MCV
  9. MCH
  10. MCHC
  11. Platelet Count
  12. Blood Film Comment

B) Renal Function Test:

  1. Urea
  2. Creatinine
  3. Calcium
  4. Inorganic Phosphate
  5. Uric Acid
  6. Sodium
  7. Potassium
  8. Chloride

C) Liver Function Test:

  1.  Total Protein
  2. Albumin
  3. Globulin
  4. A/G Ratio
  5. Total Bilirubin
  6. AST
  7. ALT
  8. ALP
  9. GGT

D) Diabetic Screen (Glucose):

  1. Fasting Glucose

E) Lipid Profile:

  1. Triglyceride
  2. Total Cholesterol
  3. HDL
  4. Direct LDL
  5. Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

F) Thyroid Screening:

  1. Free T4

G) Immunology:

  1. HEP Bs Ag
  2. HEP Bs Ab
  3. HEP A Ab

H) Serology:

  1. Rheumatoid Factor (Arthritis)
  2. RPR (Sexual Transmitted Disease)

I) Cancer/Tumour Marker:

  1. AFP – Liver
  2. PSA – Prostate (Male)
  3. CA125 – Ovary (Female)

J) Urine Examination:

  1. Urine Full Examination
  2. Urine Microscopy
  3. Urine Microalbumin
IMAGING TESTSDescriptionMaleFemale
Audiometry6 frequency hearing test
Electrocardiogram (ECG)Recording Electrical Activity Of The Heart
X-Ray (Chest)Produces Images of Heart, Lungs, Blood Vessels, Airways and The Bones of Chest and Spine
Physical ExaminationHeight, Weight, Blood Pressure, Pulse etc
Doctor’s ConsultationMedical Report Interpretation And Consultation By Doctor
Complimentary Light Refreshment
Corporate Price (RM)338338
Standard Walk in Price (RM)853873
Saving (%)6162