
Common Skin Issues and Causes 常见皮肤问题及其原因

How do you feel waking up in the morning without a peaceful sleep due to an intractable itch throughout the night? Your heart sinks when your friends exclude you from their gatherings, assuming your rash is contagious. These are common implications of skin issues. 由于整晚瘙痒难耐而无法安睡,您早上醒来的感觉可会好?当朋友们认为您的皮疹具有传染性而将您排除在聚会之外时,您的心情会如何?这些都是皮肤问题所带来的常见影响。

skin issues

Studies have shown that skin (dermatological) conditions can profoundly impact individuals’ social and psychological well-being, resulting in a poorer quality of life. The importance of skin health must not be underestimated, as it is the largest organ in the body and plays multiple vital roles in maintaining overall well-being. 研究显示,皮肤状况(皮肤病)会严重影响个人的社会和心理健康,导致生活质量下降。除此之外,皮肤健康的重要性不容小觑因为它是人体最大的器官,皮肤在维护整体健康方面发挥着多种重要作用。

Skin Issues: Atopic Eczema 皮肤问题:特应性湿疹

skin issues

Among all dermatological conditions, eczema is the most common skin issue, characterized by itchy skin lesions due to inflammation. In mild cases, the skin is dry, red, and itchy; in more severe cases, it may ooze, crust, bleed, or become infected. There are several types of eczema. 在所有皮肤问题中,湿疹是最常见的问题,其特征是由于炎症引起的瘙痒性皮肤病变。在轻度病例中,皮肤会干燥、发红、发痒;在更严重的情况下,皮肤可能会渗出液体、结痂、出血或受感染。湿疹有多种类型。

Atopic eczema (AD) is the most common type, affecting up to 13 percent of Malaysian children. It is a multifactorial disease caused by the interplay between genetics and environmental factors such as extreme weather, harsh cleansers, or stress. Our skin functions as a barrier that keeps environmental irritants, allergens, and microbes from entering the body and prevents excessive water loss. 特应性湿疹 (AD) 是最常见的类型,影响着高达 13% 的马来西亚儿童。这是一种由遗传和环境因素(如极端天气、刺激性清洁剂或压力)相互作用引起的多因素疾病。皮肤是我们身体的屏障,它可防止环境刺激物、过敏原和微生物进入身体,并防止水分过度流失。

skin issues

In people with AD, this barrier is weaker and more permeable than it should be. AD is a chronic condition that typically improves and then flares periodically. Although it is not curable, it is possible to control the symptoms with various self-care measures and medications.


Important aspects of treatment include 治疗着重于以下各种方案: 

Identification and avoidance of aggravating factors 识别和避免加重诱发因素:

Common triggers of AD flares include exposure to chemicals or cleaning solutions, such as soaps and detergents, perfumes and cosmetics, wool or synthetic fibres, dust, sand, and cigarette smoke. 特应性湿疹发作的常见诱因包括接触化学品或清洁剂,如肥皂和洗涤剂、香水和化妆品、羊毛或合成纤维、灰尘、沙子和香烟烟雾。

Keeping the skin hydrated 保持皮肤湿润:

Moisturizers should be applied liberally and frequently throughout the day. 日常大量并频繁地涂抹保湿霜。

Treating skin irritation 治疗皮肤刺激性问题:

During acute flares, topical steroids can safely reduce inflammation if used appropriately. Non-steroidal topical medications are also an option for sensitive areas like the face and groin. 在特应性湿疹急性发作期间,如果使用得当,局部类固醇可以安全地减轻炎症。非类固醇局部用药也是面部和腹股沟等敏感部位的一种选择。

In severe cases, other treatments may be required 在严重的情况下,可能需要其他治疗方案:

These can include oral antihistamines or antibiotics, ultraviolet light therapy (phototherapy), immunosuppressive drugs, or injectable medications (biologics). 这些治疗包括口服抗组胺药或抗生素、紫外线疗法(光疗)、免疫抑制药物或注射药物(生物制剂)。

Skin Issues: Seborrheic Eczema 皮肤问题:脂溢性湿疹

Seborrheic eczema typically occurs in areas of the body with many oil-producing glands: the scalp, face, upper chest, and back. In infants, it can cause a condition known as cradle cap, presenting as redness and greasy scales, commonly on the scalp, but also on the face, ears, neck, and in the diaper area and skin folds. 脂溢性湿疹通常发生在有着许多油脂腺体的身体区域:头皮、面部、上胸部和背部。发生在婴儿身上时,它会导致一种称为乳痂的疾病,其表现为发红和油腻的鳞屑,通常会出现在头皮上,但也出现在面部、耳朵、颈部、尿布区和皮肤褶皱处。

Symptoms in adults include redness, greasy, scaly patches, and itching of the skin affecting the ears, eyebrows, bridge and sides of the nose, and central chest. When it occurs on the scalp, dandruff is seen. Treatment includes topical corticosteroids or antifungal agents. 成人的症状则包括皮肤发红、油腻、出现鳞状斑块和瘙痒,通常会影响耳朵、眉毛、鼻梁和鼻侧以及胸部中央。当它发生在头皮上时,则会出现头皮屑。治疗包括涂抹局部皮质类固醇或抗真菌剂。

Skin Issues: Contact Eczema 皮肤问题:接触性湿疹

Contact eczema is another common type, directly related to materials the body comes into contact with. There are two types: irritant and allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by exposure to substances such as soaps, detergents, bleach, and engine oils. 接触性湿疹是另一种常见湿疹类型,它与身体接触的物质直接相关。共有两种接触性湿疹类型:刺激性和过敏性。刺激性接触性湿疹是由接触肥皂、洗涤剂、漂白剂和发动机油等物质引起的。

Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by specific hypersensitivity to substances like nickel, hair dye, and perfume. This type of eczema takes time to stimulate the immune system, with the body reacting to the allergen only after a certain period. The cornerstone of treatment is to avoid contact with the allergen and use a moisturizer designed for eczema. 过敏性接触性湿疹是由对镍、染发剂和香水等物质的特定过敏引起的。这种类型的湿疹需要时间来刺激免疫系统,身体只有在一定时间后才会对过敏原产生反应。治疗的基础是避免接触过敏原并使用专为湿疹设计的保湿霜。

Skin Issues: Acne 皮肤问题:痤疮

Acne is a common skin disease primarily affecting teenagers. Acne can significantly impact emotional health, with severe cases increasing the risk of low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Early treatment is essential to prevent acne scars and emotional distress. 痤疮是一种常见的皮肤问题,主要影响青少年一族。痤疮会严重影响情绪健康,严重病例会增加自尊心低落、抑郁和焦虑的风险。早期治疗对于预防痤疮疤痕和情绪困扰至关重要。

Acne occurs when pores get clogged with dead skin and oil, allowing bacteria to build up. The skin becomes inflamed, turning red or swelling. In severe cases, pus may develop within the pimple, and large, painful swellings called nodules and cysts may develop, resulting in scarring. 当毛孔被死皮和油脂堵塞,细菌就会堆积起来,从而引发痤疮。皮肤会发炎、变红或肿胀。在严重的情况下,粉刺内可能会产生脓液,并可能出现称为结节和囊肿的大而疼痛的肿胀,从而导致疤痕的出现。

People with mild acne usually respond well to topical treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide preparations and vitamin A-derived creams or gels. Severe acne may require oral medications. 轻度痤疮患者通常对局部治疗反应良好,例如过氧化苯甲酰制剂和维生素 A 衍生的乳霜或凝胶。严重痤疮患者则可能需要口服药物。

To optimise acne skin care, consider the following measures 要优化痤疮皮肤护理,请考虑以下措施:

Skin hygiene 皮肤卫生

Wash your face once or twice daily using a gentle, non-soap facial cleanser 每天使用温和的非皂基洗面奶洗脸一到两次。

Moisturisers 保湿霜

Use an appropriate moisturizer to minimize dryness and skin peeling, common side effects of some acne treatments 使用合适的保湿霜以便尽量减少干燥和皮肤脱皮等痤疮治疗的常见副作用。

Sun protection 防晒

Some acne treatments increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Avoid excessive sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher before sun exposure 一些痤疮治疗会增加皮肤对阳光的敏感度。避免过度暴露在阳光下,在暴露在阳光下之前使用 SPF 50 或更高的广谱防晒霜。