RHB Health Screening Package (Male/Female)

Original price was: RM939.00.Current price is: RM889.00.

Blood Test

Product price: RM889.00
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RHB Health Screening Male Package


  • Arthritis Screening – Rheumatoid Factor
  • Blood Grouping – ABO
  • Diabetic Screening – Fasting Glucose & HbA1c
  • Full Blood Exam
  • Hepatitis A Antibody
  • Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody
  • Iron Profile
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Lipid Profile
  • Liver Function Test
  • Syphilis Screening – RPR
  • Thyroid Screening – Free T4
  • Colon Cancer – CEA
  • Liver Cancer – AFP
  • Pancreas/Stomach Cancer – CA 19.9
  • Prostate Cancer – PSA (Male)
  • Breast Cancer – CA15.3 (Female)
  • Ovarian Cancer – CA 125 (Female)
  • Urine Full Exam & Urine Microscopy
  • Urine Microalbumin
  • Abdominal & Pelvic Ultrasound
  • Basic Eye Assessment
  • Body Composition Analysis
  • Chest X-Ray
  • Ear, Nose & Throat Assessment (Male)
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Mammogram (for >40 years old ONLY) & Breast Ultrasound (Female)
  • Thyroid Ultrasound (Male)
  • Dietitian Consultation
  • Physical Examination & Doctor Consultation
  • Complimentary: Refreshment
  • Please wear clothing that allows easy access to the upper arm for blood-taking.
  • Fasting is required for a minimum of 6 hours before the check-up; however, during this fasting period, you are allowed to drink plain water. This requirement is specifically applicable to blood tests for lipid profile & fasting glucose, as well as abdominal ultrasound.
  • If you are taking hypertension medicine, please continue to do so before your visit.
  • If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, kindly bring along your test results or reports for the doctor’s review and assistance in diagnosis.
  • The health screening process will take approximately Half Day (4-6 hours), depending on the specific tests you are undergoing.
  • Medical results will be available on the same day, along with same-day consultations with the doctor and dietitian to discuss your reports. If you prefer, you can reschedule your consultations for another day.
  • To schedule an appointment, please contact us via WhatsApp: Bangsar South 0122923610 and Cheras South 01127213620.